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telc language school
Logo German fox
Charta der Vielfalt - Diversity Charta


Welcome to GoodCare – your reliable partner in the search for highly qualified and committed nurses from abroad. Our team of experts works closely with recognized organizations and language schools in the Philippines to match you with the best candidates for your care team.

Welcome to GoodCare

The challenges

1.8 million job vacancies by 2035

Due to the shortage of skilled workers in Germany, so many positions in the healthcare system can no longer be filled. 

6 million people in need of care by 2030

That's around 1.5 million more people in need of care than today. This means that significantly more staff and beds are required. 

Demographic change in Germany

Our society is getting older and older. This affects nursing twice as more staff are retiring and not enough young nursing staff are being trained.

Applicant selection

We identify suitable nurses for your facility through a strict selection process. Our focus is on qualifications, professional experience and personal characteristics.

Backround check

Every candidate is carefully checked with a background and ID check in their home country before being hired.

German course up to B2

Our candidates receive a comprehensive language course up to level B2. In addition, they are taught technical language content to make it easier to get started in Germany.

Holistic service

We support you and your nurses from acquisition, language training and official procedures in both countries to integration. 


All candidates are prepared for cultural and work-related differences in their country of origin. Before departure, you will receive a comprehensive integration course.

Ethical recruitment

We support your candidates throughout the entire process and do not charge any additional fees. This allows the nursing staff to fully concentrate on the preparation. 




How long does the process take?

The entire process from acquisition to entry can take around 12 months. During this time we will take care of the language preparation and the official processes for you. We often already have candidates in our candidate pool and can therefore shorten the duration.


What does the language training look like?

The candidates receive a comprehensive language course up to B2. In addition, they are taught technical language content. We work with several service providers here. If necessary, a B2 exam must also be taken in Germany.


What professional training do the candidates have?

Nurses from the Philippines have completed an extensive four-year nursing course. Many already have several years of experience in their profession. The level of education is very high and nurses from the Philippines are very well recognized worldwide. 


What is the process after the nurses arrive?

Candidates can initially be employed as nursing assistants and work with you during an adaptation measure. After passing a knowledge test or an adaptation course, they become fully recognized nursing professionals. We will help you choose the best option.

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